KLYOSOV, Anatole Alex, chemist, biochemist, researcher; born Kaliningrad region, Russia, Nov. 20, 1946; came to U.S., 1990 (as a visiting Scientist and Professor - between 1974 and 1989); son of Alexey Ivan and Tamara Michael (Kuz) Klyosov; married Gail Michael Muratov, Dec. 28, 1967; children: Svetlana, Yuri. MS, Moscow State University, 1969; PhD, 1972; DSc, 1977. Scientist, Moscow State University, 1969-72, assistant professor 1972-75, senior scientist 1975-79, Professor, 1978-81; Professor, Head Carbohydrate Research Laboratory, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1981-92; Professor of Biochemistry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1987-1998; Vice President, Research and Development Kadant Composites (former Thermo Fibergen), 1996-2005; Consulting Vice President, LDI Composites Co. (former Kadant Composites), 2005-2006; Founder and Chief Scientist, Galectin Therapeutics (2000-2013), then Founder Emeritus and Member, Scientific Advisory Board; Visiting Lecturer Biochemistry, Harvard University, 1974-75; advisory board Council on Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1981-90; chairman of commission on cellulose bioconversion, 1982-90; expert panel Biofocus Foundation, Stockholm-Washington, since 1991.
(1) The Practical Course of Chemical and Enzyme Kinetics, 1976; (2) Enzyme Catalysis,
1980; (3) Enzymatic Degradation of Polymers, 1984; (4) Enzyme Engineering at the Industrial Level,
(5) Wood-Plastic Composites (2007, John Wiley & Sons),
and its translations and publications in China (May, 2010) and Russia (September, 2010); (6) The Internet (Notes of a Scientist),
2010; (7) The Origin of Man, 2010; (8) Origin of the Slavs: DNA Genealogy against the Norman Theory, 2013; (9) Entertaining DNA Genealogy, 2013; (10) Origin of Slavs, DNA Genealogy Stories, 2013 (in
Serbian); (11) Aryan Peoples in the Vast Eurasia, 2015; (12) Slavs, Caucasians, and Jews from a Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy, 2015; (13) Jews and Pashtuns of Afghanistan: the Lost Tribes of Israel - History, Politics, and DNA Genealogy, 2015; (14) Expertise of the Book of Veles, in 3 volumes, 2015; (15) Who is Against DNA Genealogy, 2016; (16) Your DNA Genealogy, 2016; (17) DNA Genealogy From A Through T, 2016; (18) History of the Aryans and Arbins, 2017; (19) Practical DNA Genealogy for Everyone, 2018; (20) DNA Genealogy of the Slavs, Origin and History, 2019; (21) DNA Genealogy of the Slavs, New Discoveries, 2019; (22) Origin of Peoples, 2021; (23) Peoples of Russia. DNA Genealogy, Detailed Studies of 190 peoples, 2021; (24) Peoples and Personalities: DNA Analysis, 2022; (25) DNA Genealogy of the Slavs, Origin and History, 2020 (in Slovak language); (26) Origins of Jews, Arabs, and Europeans, 2021 (in Slovak language); (27) Scythians, Sarmates, Alans: Origin and Heritage, 2022; (28) Klassen E.I. book, Foreword and Extended Comments, 2022; (29) DNA Genealogy, 2018 (in English). Title Editor and Contributor: (30) Enzyme Engineering: Future Directions (1980, Plenum Press);
(31) Carbohydrate Drug Design (2006, Oxford University Press);
(32) Galectins (2008, John Wiley and Sons); (33) Glycobiology and Drug Design (2013, Oxford University Press); (34) Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics (2013, Oxford University Press); (35) Khazars. Origin, DNA, Heritage (2023); (36) The Internet. Notes of a Scientist (2023). (37) Myths of the Norman Theory (2023); (38) 55 Myths of Historical Sciences (2024);
Recipient, the USSR Young Scientist National Prize, 1978; USSR National Prize in Science, 1984; Gold medal, USSR Science and Technology, 1988; Gold medal, Jewish Association of Cohanim Latin America, 2009.
Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science (since 1989); Foreign Member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (since 2014). Member: American Chemical Society, President, the Academy of DNA Genealogy, Moscow, Russia. Member, The Russian Nobility Association. Home: 36 Walsh Road, Newton MA 02459.
Galectin Therapeutics, 4960 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 240, Norcross, GA 30071 (Founder Emeritus and Member, Scientific Advisory Board).
"Who's Who in America", 55th Edition, 2001, Volume 1 (A-K), p.2882, and subsequent editions;
2009, Vol. 1, p. 2693);"Who's Who in Science and Engineering", 6th Edition, 2002-2003, p.506, and subsequent editions
"Who's Who in the World", 19th Edition, 2002, p.1136, and subsequent editions
Wikipedia, a Corrected Text
- "Anatole A. Klyosov Wikipedia a Corrected Text (March 1, 2024) In Russian"
Affiliations, current and past:
- Kadant Composites (Bedford, MA)
Vice President, Research and Development
Some relevant patents and publications (1998-2008)
Wood-Plastic Composites, 2007, 698 pp. (John Wiley & Sons); Translated to Chinese, 2010, 526 pp. (Science Press, China);
Translated to Russian, 2010,
- Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
Visiting Lecturer in Enzymology, 1974-75
Professor of Biochemistry, 1987-98
- Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA)

Center for Biochemical and Biophysical Sciences and Medicine
Professor of Biochemistry, 1987-98
Some relevant publications
- Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Professor and Head,
Carbohydrate Research Laboratory, 1982-1992
Some relevant publications (1984-1996)
- Department of Chemistry,
Moscow State University
Professor, 1979-1982
Some relevant publications (1971-1984)
Other activities worth mentioning:
- World Academy of Art and Science
(Fellow, since 1989)
- Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member (since 2014)
- The Russian Nobility Association
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Consultant
- Biofocus Foundation (Stockholm, Sweden)
since 1991
- Acta Biotechnologica/Engineering in Life Sciences (Berlin - Leipzig, Germany)
(Editorial Board)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy
- Advances in Anthropology
Consulting Experience:
- The World Bank (Washington, D.C.)
- Mayfield Fund (CA)
- InterSpex Products (CA)
- Tigney Technology (Alberta, Canada)
- American Environmental Laboratories (OH)
- Zepter International
- SafeScience (MA)
- Wood-Plastic Composites, various industrial companies; law firms, a litigation science consulting expert
Some awards, worth mentioning:
- Laureate, the Young Scientist National USSR Award, 1978
- Laureate, the USSR National Prize in Science, 1984
- Gold Medal, the USSR National Achievement Exhibition, 1988
- Gold Medal, the Jewish Association of Cohanim Latin America, 2009 (for studies in DNA Genealogy)
Some publications, conventional and virtual:
Internet: Notes of a Scientist (2010, Moscow University Press, 512 pp).
- History of the Internet: the beginning of international computer communications in the Soviet Union (1982-)
- In Russian
- In English
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR-1, 2001
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR - 2
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR - 3
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR - 4
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR - 5
- The Internet: Beginning in the USSR - 6
- The beginning of the Internet in the USSR - RBTH Interview - April 2014
- Internet-Pionier Kljosow: Genosse Online, 2010
- 1982: l’URSS envoie son premier homme sur Internet
- Wie 1982 der erste Sowjet online ging
- How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982
- Expertise on the Book of Veles (M., Konzeptual, 2015, in Russian)
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Vol. 3, Part 1
- Vol. 3, Part 2
- On industrial biotechnology (ICIBS, Internet Conference on Integrated Biosystems 1998)
- In the Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (in English)
- "Galectins as New Therapeutic Targets". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol. 8, No. 1, 5-17 (2014)
- Recent publications (papers and patents) in Biomedical Sciences (in English)
-- Binding of polysaccharides to human galectin-3 at a noncanonical site in its carbohydrate recognition domain (Glycobiology, 2016)
-- Regression of fibrosis and reversal of cirrhosis in rats by galectin inhibitors in thioacetamide-induced liver disease (PLoS One, 2013)
-- Compositions of novel carbohydrate drug for treatment of human diseases (US Patent No. 9,974,802, granted May 22, 2018).
-- Method for enhancing specific immunotherapies in cancer treatment (US Patent No. 9,872,909, granted January 23, 2018).
-- Compositions of novel carbohydrate drug for treatment of human diseases (US Patent No. 9,649,327, granted May 16, 2017).
-- Galacto-rhamnogalacturonate compositions for the treatment of diseases accociated with elevated inducible nitric oxide synthase (US Patent No. 9,763,974, granted September 19, 2017).
-- Galactose-pronged polysaccharides in a formulation for antifibrotic therapies (US Patent 9,200,090, granted December 1, 2015)
-- Composition of novel carbohydrate drug for treatment of human diseases (US Patent 8,962,824, granted February 24, 2015)
-- Composition of novel carbohydrate drug for treatment of human diseases (US Patent 8,871,925, granted October 28, 2014)
-- Galactose-pronged polysaccharides in a formulation for antifibrotic therapies (US Patent 8,722,645, granted May 13, 2014)
-- Galacto-rhamnogalacturonate compositions for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (US Patent 8,658,787, February 25, 2014)
-- Galactose-pronged polysaccharides in a formulation for antifibrotic therapies (US Patent 8,367,638, February 5, 2013)
- In "Argumenti Nedeli", "Business Online", "Profile" (in Russian)
- "Why Russians Differ from AngloSaxons. 2019"
- "In Which Turn the Coronavirus Will Disappear in Russians, Chinese, and Europeans. 2020"
- "Green Economics and other diversions in Russia when accompanied by sanctions. 2021"
- ."Interview to Argumenti Nedeli. 2021"
- "The War of the Worlds: Its Basis and Reasons". Argumenti Nedeli, March 2022"
- "Interview to Business ONLINE, Part 1". 2021"
- "Interview to Business ONLINE, Part 2". 2021"
- "On Aryan Migrations". 2020"
- "Who We Are and Where From". 2022"
- "Legends and Myths on Norman Theory". 2022"
- "Mikhail Delyagin on DNA Genealogy". March 2022"
- "Members of the Upper Caste in India are Descendants of their Ancient Russian Brothers". August 2023"
- "Russian Roots of Rurik Descendants: DNA Analysis of Alexander Nevskii Son". 2023"
- In "Port-Folio" and "Lebed" (in Russian)
- Short and Other Stories
- "The Cine with Tselikovskaya. 1989"
- "Alcohol, History, and the Bible. 2005"
- "Interview. 2005"
- "How to Become a Millionaire. 2005"
- "Winners and Losers" (Discussion). 2005"
- "Global Warming", Part 1 (Discussion). 2005"
- "Global Warming", Part 2 (Discussion). 2005"
- "C.I. Caesar, Oratio in Catilinam In Senatu Habita. 2005"
- "Cancer: "Alternative vs. traditional medicine. Part 1. 2005"
- "Cancer: "Alternative vs. traditional medicine. Part 2. 2005"
- "Cancer: "Alternative vs. traditional medicine. Part 3. 2006"
- "Cancer: "Alternative vs. traditional medicine. Part 4. 2006"
- "Homo incognito" (Discussion). 2006"
- "Klyosovs as a Mirror of Russian History. Part 1. 2007"
- "Klyosovs as a Mirror of Russian History. Part 2. 2007"
- "Al Gore, Global Warming and Nobel Prize. 2007"
- "Barak and John. 2009"
- "Victor Suvorov on Germany in 1932-33 and how Hitler came to power. 2010"
- "Water in a Mortar, or how some "critics" discuss Victor Suvorov's view on Germany in 1932-33. 2011"
- "Tilak's Fantasies on the Arctic Home of the Aryans. 2012"
- In "Pereformat" (in Russian)
- Stories on DNA Genealogy, Science, and Life
- "Beyond Archaeology and Linguistics: Origin of the Slavs. 2013"
- "DNA Genealogy Provides With the Answers. 2013"
- "Where the Slavs and "Indo-Europeans" Came From? 2013"
- "On the "Negativists" in General and Population Geneticists in Particular. 2013"
- "The Origin of Rurik Descendants: DNA Genealogy Provides with a Proof. 2013"
- "What Do We Know and What We Guess. 2013"
- "Maybe the Same Story was with the Rus? 2013"
- "The Internet, Weight Loss, and DNA Genealogy. 2013"
- "A Fuss of Population Geneticists Around Genome. 2013"
- "Who Makes Ukraine an Isolated Island? 2013"
- "Genome Nationalism and Other Tendencies. 2013"
- "The Geneticists Have Found "Different Russians" - Indeed? 2013"
- "What Remains of People Who Died Long Ago Tell Us? 2013"
- "A New Book by Professor Klyosov. 2013"
- "Tilak's Fantasies on a Polar Homeland of the Aryans. 2013"
- "Podgainoism. 2013"
- "How to Determine Your Haplotype and Haplogroup. 2013"
- "Mythical Hyperborea and the Real Russian North. 2013"
- "Who Were the Scythians and Their Ancestors, and Who Are Their Descendants? 2013"
- "What Google Scholar Talks About Bees and on Their Contribution to Science? 2013"
- "Maldive Mystery. 2013"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Caucasus - 1. 2013"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Caucasus - 2. 2013"
- "Entertaining DNA Genealogy for Everyone. 2013"
- "Noah and His Sons on the Balkans - Indeed?. 2013"
- "Entertaining DNA Genealogy" - Book Presentation. 2013"
- "Where to Look for a Cradle of the European Civilization?. 2013"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Caucasus - 3. 2013"
- "Meet Professor A.A. Klyosov in Moscow. 2013"
- "Our Ancestors Did Not Come Out Of Africa. 2013"
- "Anatole Klyosov as the First User of the Internet in the USSR. 2013"
- "Boyar Children, or History of One Russian Lineage". 2013
- "Fuss of Population Geneticists around European Ancestors. 2014"
- "Let us Talk on DNA Genealogy of Jews. 2014"
- "DNA Genealogy, Archaeology, and Linguistics: Communication Problems. 2014"
- "Where the Celts Came From?. 2014"
- "How and When Europe was Populated by the "New" Europeans?. 2014"
- "How and When Europe was Populated by the "New" Europeans? Part 2. 2014"
- "Scratch a Russian and you will see an Aryan. 2014"
- "Russians and Ukrainians is the Same Thing. 2014"
- "Are Karachaevo-Balkars the Present-Day Descendants of Kipchaks/Polovtsy?. 2014"
- "Polovtsy, Alans, and their Likely Descendants. A Resume of the Discussion. 2014"
- "The Last Nail into a Coffin of the Norman Theory. 2014"
- "Who were the Etruscans: when the answer appears? 2014"
- "Alan Bolivar would not carry two riders. 2014"
- "Alans: approaching the mystery of their origin. 2014"
- "Population genetics without makeup. 2014"
- "What the genome of an ancient man from Kostenki has shown. 2014"
- "Aryan peoples in the vast Eurasia (the new book). 2014"
- "A response to Professor L.A. Zhivotovsky. 2014"
- "A collision of population genetics and DNA genealogy (Part 1). 2014"
- "A collision of population genetics and DNA genealogy (Part 2). 2014"
- "A collision of population genetics and DNA genealogy (Part 3). 2014"
- "Mother and a baby, or The School for Scandal. 2014"
- "Curved mirrors of a “philosopher” V. Lebedev. 2015"
- "The legendary book as a gift!. 2015"
- "Tragicomedy on collecting signatures against DNA genealogy. 2015"
- "A cacophony instead of “music”. 2015"
- "«I call fire upon myself!». 2015"
- "Steppe and language as a next in line confusion of population genetics. 2015"
- "Veneti and Venedi – who are their present day descendants? (Part 1). 2015"
- "Veneti and Venedi – who are their present day descendants? (Part 2). 2015"
- "On the Laboratory of DNA Genealogy in Moscow. 2015"
- "Could men stop “successful reproduction among themselves”?. 2015"
- "Slavs, Caucasians, Jews from a viewpoint of DNA genealogy. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy of descendants of Royal lineages of N1c1 haplogroup. 2015"
- "Fiction, Popular Science, and Folk History literature. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy: Natural or Social Science?. 2015"
- "Who were the Aryans? Where the mess with their definition was originated…. 2015"
- "Jews and Pashtuns of Afghanistan (the new book). 2015"
- "Genome studies: what to say when there is nothing to say. 2015"
- "Your personal DNA genealogy (with interpretation). 2015"
- "«Out of Africa»: same old, same old…. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy in curved mirrors…. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy for all and for everyone (Part 1). 2015"
- "DNA genealogy for all and for everyone (Part 2). 2015"
- "DNA genealogy for all and for everyone (Part 3). 2015"
- "A hill gave birth to a mouse, or a pretentious paper on Balto-Slavs. 2015"
- "Myth on ancient DNA genealogical lineages of Africans (Part 1). 2015"
- "Myth on ancient DNA genealogical lineages of Africans (Part 2). 2015"
- "DNA genealogy for all and for everyone (Part 4). 2015"
- "Balanovschina. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy for all and for everyone (Part 5). 2015"
- "Present-day descendants of the Aryans and Scythians. 2015"
- "Reading of "The Origin and Early History of Slavs" by V.V. Sedov from a Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy. 2015"
- "DNA genealogy in questions and answers. Part 1. 2016"
- "DNA genealogy in questions and answers. Part 2. 2016"
- "DNA genealogy in questions and answers. Part 3. 2016"
- "Who is against DNA genealogy. 2016"
- "Again, haplogroups, Normans and Rurikids, and again Klejn. 2016"
- "Russia as a homeland of elephants" according to Balanovsky. 2016"
- "An attempt to take a look into DNA genealogy of Virgin Mary, Joseph the Carpenter, and Jesus Christ. 2016"
- "A consideration of views of skeptics onto DNA genealogy. 2016"
- "Descendants of the Aryans" on REN TV. 2016"
- "A direct line with Professor Anatole A. Klyosov. Part 1. 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 1). 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 2). 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 3). 2016"
- "A direct line with Professor Anatole A. Klyosov. Part 2. 2016"
- "Moscow Laboratory of DNA Genealogy is Up and Running. 2016"
- "Objections re. 'Do not throw your pearls before the critics' (1). 2016"
- "Objections re. 'Do not throw your pearls before the critics' (2). 2016"
- "Objections re. 'Do not throw your pearls before the critics' (3). 2016"
- "How to Consider "Personal" FTDNA Stories. 2016"
- "A Tale of Lost Times. 2016"
- "Slavs, Russians, and their Foes. 2016"
- "One-Year Anniversary of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, and Events, Associated with It. 2016"
- "A Present-Day "Count of All Russia" Kubarev, and a Letter from Spain. 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 4). 2016"
- "First Testing Results of the Laboratory of DNA Genealogy. 2016"
- "Ten Cases of Personal DNA Genealogy. 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 5). 2016"
- "Establishing of a Network of Divisions of the Academy of DNA Genealogy. 2016"
- "Practical Course of DNA Genealogy (18 lectures). 2016"
- "The Aryan Migrations from 4000 BC through 1000 BC (Part 6). 2016"
- "Objections re. 'Do not throw your pearls before the critics' (4). 2017"
- "How Wikipedia editors concoct their articles (a personal experience). 2017"
- "Wide-Genome Population Genetics Keep Embarrassing its Authors. 2017"
- "Chubur and his Gang. 2017"
- "History of Aryans and Arbins: the New Book. 2017"
- "What is New Regarding "Out-of-Africa"? Part 1. 2017"
- "What is New Regarding "Out-of-Africa"? Part 2. 2017"
- "This Messy Klejn (An introduction of L.S. Klejn to DNA Genealogy). 2017"
- "An Avalanche of New Data on Molecular History of Mankind. Part 1. 2017"
- "Two-Year Anniversary of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, and Events, Associated with It. 2017"
- "An Avalanche of New Data on Molecular History of Mankind. Part 2. 2017"
- "Sadulaevism. On Chechens, Russians, and DNA-Genealogy. 2017"
- "An Avalanche of New Data on Molecular History of Mankind. Part 3. 2017"
- "An Avalanche of New Data on Molecular History of Mankind. Part 4. 2017"
- "To Grandfather in the Arkaim Village. Klimka Zhukov. 2017"
- "From Life of Chronophages. 2017"
- "A Scientific Crossroad of DNA Genealogy in a Vision of a Philologist. 2017"
- "Bell Beakers, a Look at Archaeology and DNA Genealogy. 2018"
- "Klim Sharikov Talks on DNA Genealogy. 2018"
- "Novgorod People in a Curved Mirror of Population Genetics. 2018"
- "Gediminovs, Sir. 2018"
- "How Genome Analysis "Reveals Ethnic Origin". 2018"
- "The Genomic Analysis of South and Central Asia According to PopGeneticists". 2018"
- "Historian Spitsyn Mumbles on DNA Genealogy". 2018"
- "Academician" Levashov and his Sect". 2018"
- "The Last Nail into a Coffin of the "Norman Theory". 2018"
- "Three-Year Anniversary of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, and Events, Associated with It". 2018"
- "Ancient History of Caucasus: a "Wide Genome" Analysis by Population Geneticists". 2018"
- "Mikhail N. Zadornov - a Sunny Man". 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 1. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 2. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 3. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 4. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 5. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 6. 2018"
- "Comments and Discussions in the Politcafe", Part 7. 2019"
- "Patriotism and Scientific Patriotism". 2018"
- "Balanovsky as a Systemic Swindler". 2018"
- "A Plague Story by Population Geneticists". 2019"
- "Be Aware of Savel'ev". 2019"
- "Migrations of Longobards in a Curved Mirror of Population Geneticists". 2019"
- "Ruggero Santilli as a Troublemaker in Science, and Hirsch Index". 2019"
- "The Fourth Anniversary of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, Associated Events and Considerations". 2019"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Arab World". Part 1. 2019"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Arab World". Part 2. 2019"
- "DNA Genealogy of the Arab World". Part 3. 2019"
- "The Map of Ancient Migrations of Haplogroup R1a". 2019"
- "The Map of Ancient Migrations of Haplogroup R1b". 2019"
- "What has Happened on KP Broadcast". 2020"
- "A Next Saga on an African Ancestor of the Mankind". 2020"
- "Abracadabra of Genome Population Geneticists on the Peoples of Russia". 2020"
- "Yezidis". 2020"
- "Coronavirus and Haplogroups of Y-Chromosome". 2020"
- "Where Those "Experts" are Coming From?". 2020"
- "RNA Genealogy Might Help to Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine". 2020"
- "The Horse, the Wheel, and Hybrid History". 2020"
- "Darwin, Masons, Eugenics, Evolution, and Professor V. Katasonov". 2020"
- "Fatyanovo Archaeological Culture and DNA Genealogy". 2020"
- "Response to an 'Imbecilic Neighbor'". 2020"
- "2020 Ig-Nobel Prizes and a Repulsive "VRAL AWARD". 2020"
- "Battle of Two Professors". 2020"
- "Battle at Tollense River 3200 years ago". 2020"
- "Splendeurs et miseres des commentateurs.Part 1". 2020"
- "Ancient History: A Historian's View and DNA Genealogy". 2021"
- "Historian" Spitsyn on the Slavs". 2021"
- "Splendeurs et miseres des commentateurs.Part 2". 2021"
- "Genomic History" Again, Now it is South Levant in the Missle East". 2021"
- "Let's Go!". 2021"
- "The Mountain of Population Geneticists Gave Birth to a Mouse. Part 1." 2021"
- "The Mountain of Population Geneticists Gave Birth to a Mouse. Part 2." 2021"
- "DNA Genealogy: 'Let's Wipe Out from Wikipedia' 2021"
- "History of Scythians" Through the Eyes of "Genome Population Geneticists" 2021"
- "Once More about Lie in Wikipedia" 2021"
- "Anatole A. Klyosov: Wikipedia, the Right Entry" 2021"
- "Farce of the 'Support Group to the Commission on Pseudoscience at the Russian Academy of Sciences'" 2021"
- "The Sixth Anniversary of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, 2021"
- "Etruscans from the Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy, 2021"
- "Rewiew on the "Review" by Borynskaya, 2021"
- "Fatal Failure of O. Balanovsky on the Origin of Count Rurik, 2021"
- "A Jerk from Montreal", 2021"
- "Historian Korobov and Alans", 2022"
- Stories on DNA Genealogy (in Russian)
- "Behold the Man. Part 1. 2006"
- "Behold the Woman. Part 2. 2006"
- "Joseph and His Brothers. Part I. DNA-Genealogy. 2007"
- "Joseph and His Brothers. Part II. Ashkenazim and Sephardim. 2007"
- "Joseph and His Brothers. Part III. Search for the Lost Tribes. 2007"
- "Joseph and His Brothers. Part IV. Search for the Lost Tribes in Asia and Africa. 2007"
- "Joseph and His Brothers. Part V. Search for the Lost Tribes over the Oceans. 2007"
- "DNA-Genealogy and the Search for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Part I. 2007" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "DNA-Genealogy and the Search for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Part II. 2007" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "DNA-Genealogy and the Search for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Part III. 2007" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "DNA-Genealogy and the Search for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Part IV. 2007" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "DNA-Genealogy and the Search for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Part V. 2007" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Hindi, Russi Bhai-Bhai in DNA-Genealogy, or Where the Slavs Came From. 2007"
- "Search for Lost Tribes of Israel. A Story Written in the DNA. Part 1. 2007"
- "Search for Lost Tribes of Israel. A Story Written in the DNA. Part 2. 2007"
- "Mutations and Calculations in DNA-Genealogy (Discussion). 2007"
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 1. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 2. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 3. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 4. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 5. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 6. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Origin of the Jews via DNA Genealogy. Part 7. 2008" (in the Notes on Jewish History)
- "Where the Slavs and Indo-Europeans Came From? DNA Genealogy Gives an Answer. Part 1. 2008"
- "Where the Slavs and Indo-Europeans Came From? DNA Genealogy Gives an Answer. Part 2. 2008"
- "To Die for a Princess. Part 1. 2008"
- "To Die for a Princess. Part 2. 2008"
- "Haplotypes of Russian East Slavs - Nine Tribes?. 2009"
- "Haplotypes of Russian Ugro-Finnic Northern Slavs - Seven Tribes?. 2009"
- "The genome-wide structure of the Jewish populations and its comparison with DNA genealogy data. 2010"
- "The origin of Jews in the context of DNA genealogy. 2011"
- "The World, Hanaan, and the Jews. 2011"
- Stories on DNA Genealogy (in English)
- "Overview of Turkic genetics. 2010"
- "Thoughts about Jewish DNA genealogy. 2014"
- "STR and SNP analysis – Levite DNA. 2014"
- "Calculation of Time to an MRCA for R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites. 2015"
- Stories on DNA Genealogy (in Slovak)
- "DNA Genealogy of Slovaks and Czech . DNA genealogie díl 1.: Češi jsou svým původem nejméně Slované ze všech Slovanů. 2019"
- "DNA Genealogy of Slovaks and Czech. DNA genealogie díl 2.: Východní Němci jsou germanizovaní Slované. 2019"
- "DNA Genealogy of Slovaks and Czech.DNA genealogie díl 3.: Území Československa je naše vlast již nejméně 13 000 let. 2019"
- Books on DNA Genealogy
- "The Origin of Slavs and Other Peoples. Stories on DNA Genealogy"
- Origin of Man. 2010, 1024 pp. Belye Alvy, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-91464-040-5.
- Origin of Slavs and Other Peoples. DNA Genealogy Against the "Normann Theory". 2013, 511 pp. Algorithm, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-4438-0324-1.
- Entertaining DNA Genealogy. 2013, 166 pp. Veche (BukiVedia), Moscow, ISBN 978-5-4444-1351-7.
- Анатолиј A. Кљосов. Порекло Словена. Осврти на ДНК-генеалогију. Мирослав, Белград, 2013, 440 стр. (Origin of Slavs. Essays in DNA Genealogy), Belgrade, in Serbian.
- Aryan Peoples in the Vast Eurasia. 2015, 351 pp. Knizhny Mir, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-8041-0733-9.
- Slavs, Caucasians, and Jews from a Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy. 2015, 352 pp. Knizhny Mir, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-8041-0757-5.
- Jews and Pashtuns of Afghanistan: the Lost Tribes of Israel - History, Politics, and DNA Genealogy. 2015, 460 pp. Konzeptual, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-906756-58-9.
- Expertise of the Book of Veles, in 3 volumes, 2015, 473 pp., 335 pp., 464 pp. Konzeptual, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-906756-42-8.
- Your DNA Genealogy. 2016, 175 pp. Konzeptual, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-906756-98-5.
- DNA Genealogy from A to T. 2016, 475 pp., Knizhny Mir, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-8041-0873-2.
- Who is Against DNA Genealogy. 2016, 845 pp., Knizhny Mir, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-8041-0842-8.
- History of the Aryans and Arbins. 2017. Konzeptual, Moscow.
- Practical DNA Genealogy for Everyone. 2017. Konzeptual, Moscow.
- DNA Genealogy. 2018. Scientific Research; An Academic Publisher. 392 pp.ISBN: 978-1-61896-615-5.
- DNA Genealogy of Slavs. Origin and History. 2019. Peter, St. Peterburg, ISBN 978-5-4461-1244-9.
- DNA Genealogy of Slavs. New Discoveries. 2019. Peter, St. Peterburg, ISBN 978-5-00116-312-1.
- Anatolij Kljosov. PÔVOD SLOVANOV. Genealógia DNA. 2020. Torden, Slovenský, 471 pp, ISBN 978-80-89903-48-1.
- Origin of Peoples, 2021. Moscow. Nashe Zavtra, ISBN 978-5-60445881-7-8;
- Peoples of Russia. DNA Genealogy, Detailed Studies of 190 peoples, 2021.Peter, St. Peterburg, ISBN 978-5-00116-595-8.
- Peoples and Personalities: DNA Analysis, 2022, Moscow, Nashe Zavtra, 280 pp, ISBN 978-5-604836-4-4
- Anatolij Kljosov. Origins of Jews, Arabs, and Europeans, 2021. Torden (in Slovak language), 425 p. ISBN 978-80-8223-080-5
- DNA Genealogy against the Norman Theory, Anatole A. Klyosov, 2022; a chapter in the book, Lipetsk, 2022
- Khazars, Origin and the DNA, 2023. Moscow. Nasha Zavtra, ISBN 978-5-907729-02-5
- Scythians, Sarmates, Alans: Origin and Heritage, 2022. Moscow. Nashe Zavtra, ISBN 978-5-6047724-6-1;
- Klassen E.I. book, Foreword and Extended Comments, 2022. Moscow. Konzeptual, ISBN 978-5-907472-85-3;
- DNA Genealogy, 2018. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. ISBN 978-1-61896-615-5;
- Myths of the Norman Theory, Moscow, Nashe Zavtra, 2023, ISBN 978-5-907585-99-7
- 55 Myths of Historical Sciences, Moscow, Nashe Zavtra, 2024, 704 pages, ISBN 978-5-907729-82-7
- Papers on DNA Genealogy in Academic Journals
- "DNA Genealogy, Mutation Rates, and Some Historical Evidences Written in Y-Chromosome.
I. Basic Principles and the Method" (J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, No. 2, 186-216 (2009)
- "DNA Genealogy, Mutation Rates, and Some Historical Evidences Written in Y-Chromosome.
II. Walking the Map" (J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, No. 2, 217-256 (2009)
"DNA Genealogy, Mutation Rates, and Some Historical Evidences Written in Y-Chromosome" (Nature Precedings,
- "A comment on the paper: Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish Priesthood".
Human Genetics, 126, No. 5, 719-724 (2009)
- "Origin of the Jews and the Arabs: Date of their Most Recent Common Ancestor is Written in their Y-Chromosomes – However, There Were Two of Them" (Nature Precedings,
- "Biological Chemistry as a Foundation of DNA Genealogy: The Emergence of "Molecular History".
Biochemistry (Moscow) [in English], v. 76, No. 5, 517-533 (2011)
- "Biological Chemistry as a Foundation of DNA Genealogy: The Emergence of "Molecular History".
Biochemistry (Moscow) [in Russian], v. 76, No. 5, 636-653 (2011)
- "Mutation Rate Constants in DNA Genealogy (Y Chromosome)". Advances in Anthropology, v. 1, No. 2, 26-34 (2011)
- "Scotland R1a Highland Clansmen" (2011)
- "Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the Legendary Aryans as Witnessed by the DNA of Their Current Descendants". Advances in Anthropology, v. 2, No. 1, 1-13 (2012)
- "Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy". Advances in Anthropology, v. 2, No. 2, 80-86 (2012)
- "Ancient History of the Arbins, Bearers of Haplogroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1500 Years before Present". Advances in Anthropology, v. 2, No. 2, 87-105 (2012)
- "Haplogroup R1a, Its Subclades and Branches in Europe during the Last 9000 Years". Advances in Anthropology, v. 2, No. 3, 139-156 (2012)
- "Re-Examining the Out-of-Africa Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids). Part 2. SNPs, Haplogroups and Haplotypes in the Y Chromosome of Chimpanzee and Humans". Advances in Anthropology, v. 2, No. 4, 198-213 (2012)
- "DNA Genealogy and Linguistics. Ancient Europe". Advances in Anthropology, v. 3, No. 2, 101-111 (2013)
- "A DNA Genealogy Solution to the Puzzle of Ancient Look-Alike Ceramics Across the World". Advances in Anthropology, v. 3, No. 3, 164-172 (2013)
- "Reconsideration of the "Out of Africa" Concept as Not Having Enough Proof". Advances in Anthropology, vol. 4, No. 1, 18-37 (2014)
- "The 'extremely ancient' chromosome that isn't: a forensic bioinformatic investigation of Albert Perry's X-degenerate portion of the Y chromosome". Eur. J. Human Genetics (22 January 2014) doi:10.1038/ejhg.2013.303 (2014)
- "Clarifying the «African Eve» concept (comment)". In: Thompson J.R. Archaic Modernity vs the High Priesthood: on the Nature of Unstable archaeological/palaeoanthropological Orthodoxies. Rock Art Research, 2014. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 131-156
- "A comment on the Paper: Were the First Europeans Pale or Dark Skinned? (by C. Winters, Advances in Anthropology, 2014, 4, 124-132)" Advances in Anthropology, 2014, 4, pp. 222-226.
- "Tofanelli S., Taglioli L., Bertoncini S., Francalacci P., Klyosov A., Pagani L. Mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplotype motifs as diagnostic markers of Jewish ancestry: a reconsideration. Frontiers in Genetics, November 2014, vol. 5, pp. 1-10. DOI 10.3389/fgene.2014.00384
- "Thoughts About Jewish DNA Genealogy" (2014)
- "Levite DNA. STR and SNP Analysis" (2014)
- "What is the Molecular History". Historical Format, No. 1, 53-77 (2015)
- "Veneti and Venedi according to DNA Genealogy". Historical Format, No. 2, 75-102 (2015)
- "Reading of "The Origin and Early History of Slavs" by V.V. Sedov from a viewpoint of DNA genealogy". Historical Format, No. 4, 174-228(2015)
- "Reply to Mendez et al: The 'extremely ancient' chromosome that still isn't". Eur. J. Human Genetics 23, 567-568 (2015)
- "Kilin-Klyosov TMRCA Calculator for Time Spans up to Millions of Years". Advances in Anthropology, vol. 6, No. 3, 51-71 (2016)
- "Excavated DNA from Two Khazar Burials". Advances in Anthropology, vol. 7, No. 1, 17-21 (2017)
- "On 'Massive Migration from the Steppe' to the Bronze Age Europe". Historical Format, No. 1, 151-156 (2022)
- DNA Genealogy TMRCA Calculator
Kilin-Klyosov TMRCA Calculator. Slow download, 40 Mb.
The Calculator Manual, in Russian.
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 1, No. 1, 2008 (in English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 1, No. 2, 2008 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 1, No. 3, 2008 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 1, No. 4, 2008 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 1, No. 5, 2008 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 1, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 2, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 3, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 4, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 5, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 6, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 2, No. 7, 2009 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 1, 2010 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 2, 2010 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 3, 2010 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 4, 2010 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 5, 2010 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 6, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 7, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 8, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 9, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 10, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 11, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 3, No. 12, 2010 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 1, 2011 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 2, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 3, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 4, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 5, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 6, 2011 (in English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 7, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 8, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 9, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 10, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 11, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 4, No. 12, 2011 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 1, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 2, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 3, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 4, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 5, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 6, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 7, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 8, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 9, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 10, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 11, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 5, No. 12, 2012 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 1, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 2, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 3, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 4, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 5, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 6, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 7, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 8, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 9, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 10, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 11, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 6, No. 12, 2013 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 1, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 2, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 3, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 4, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 5, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 6, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 7, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 8, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 9, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 7, No. 10, 2014 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 8, No. 1, 2015 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 8, No. 2, 2015 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 8, No. 3, 2015 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 8, No. 4, 2015 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 1, 2016 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 2, 2016 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 3, 2016 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 4, 2016 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 5, 2016 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 9, No. 6, 2016 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 2, 2017 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 3, 2017 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 4, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 5, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 6, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 7, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 8, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 9, 2017 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 10, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 11, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 10, No. 12, 2017 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 1, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 2, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 3, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 4, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 5, 2018 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 6, 2018 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 7, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 8, 2018 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 9, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 10, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 11, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 11, No. 12, 2018 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 1, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 2, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 3, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 4, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 5, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 6, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 7, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 8, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 9, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 10, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 11, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 12, No. 12, 2019 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 1, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 2, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 3, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 4, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 5, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 6, 2020 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 7, 2020 (in Russian, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 8, 2020 (in Russian, French, German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 9, 2020 (in Russian, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 10, 2020 (in Russian, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 11, 2020 (in Russian, English, French, German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 13, No. 12, 2020 (in Russian, English, French, German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 01, 2021 (in Russian, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 02, 2021 (in Russian, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 03, 2021 (in Russian, German, English, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 04, 2021 (in Russian, German, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 05, 2021 (in Russian, Serbian, French, English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 06, 2021 (in Russian, German, French, English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 07, 2021 (in Russian, French, English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 08, 2021 (in Russian, English, German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 09, 2021 (in Russian, French, Italian, German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 10, 2021 (in Russian, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 11, 2021 (in Russian, French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 14, No. 12, 2021 (in Russian, French, English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 1, 2022 (in Russian and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 2, 2022 (in Russian and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 3, 2022 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 4, 2022 (in Russian, French and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 5, 2022 (in Russian, French and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 6, 2022 (in Russian, French and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 7, 2022 (in Russian, French, German, and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 8, 2022 (in Russian, French, German, and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 9, 2022 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 10, 2022 (in Russian, English, and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 11, 2022 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 15, No. 12, 2022 (in Russian, English, and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 1, 2023 (in Russian and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 2, 2023 (in Russian and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 3, 2023 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 4, 2023 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 5, 2023 (in Russian, English, French and Italian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 6, 2023 (in Russian, English, and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 7, 2023 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 8, 2023 (in Russian, French, and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 9, 2023 (in Russian, French, and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 10, 2023 (in Russian, French, and German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 11, 2023 (in Russian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 16, No. 12, 2023 (in Russian, French, and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 1, 2024 (in Russian and Italian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 2, 2024 (in Russian, English and Italian)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 3, 2024 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 4, 2024 (in Russian and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 5, 2024 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 6, 2024 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 7, 2024 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 8, 2024 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 9, 2024 (in Russian, English and German)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 10, 2024 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 11, 2024 (in Russian, English and French)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 17, No. 12, 2024 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 18, No. 1, 2025 (in Russian, French and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 18, No. 2, 2025 (in Russian, French and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 18, No. 3, 2025 (in Russian and English)
- Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, vol. 18, No. 4, 2025 (in Russian and French)
(see above - Harvard Medical School, Some Relevant Publications)
Some Genealogy Data and Old Pictures:
Ancestry: Goncharov, Dmitriev, Trofimov, unidentified Estonian lineage, Kuz, Klyosov.
Page 1
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1636, a list of noble ("dvoryane") servicemen in Kursk, Russia (in Russian)
- Video Lectures on DNA Genealogy
- Lecture 1. An introduction to DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 2. The basic principles of DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 3. Chronological dating in DNA Genealogy.
- Lecture 4. Ethnicity, races, tribes in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 5. Haplotype trees in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 6. SNP mutations and STR mutations in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 7. Computations in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 8. Mutation rate constants in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 9. Datings, slow markers, and margins of error in DNA genealogy.
- Lecture 10. Aryans and Rus. Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarus.
- Lecture 11. Scythians and Slavs. The "Norman theory".
- Lecture 12. Scythians, Khazars, Slavs.
- Lecture 13. Rurikids, "Proto-Finns", Yakuts.
- Lecture 14. Scythians, Alans, Pashtuns, Jews, Arbins, Yamnay culture, Basques.
- Lecture 15. Our ancestors did not come out of Africa.
- Lecture 16. Jews, Arabs, Roma, Napoleon, Einstein, Zhirinovsky.
- Lecture 17. Excavated DNA. DNA genealogy and archaeology.
- Lecture 18. Personal DNA genealogy.
- Video presentations on DNA Genealogy
- Video 1, Russians and the Aryans, more than 35,000 views
- Video 2, The Bible and the Book of Veles: What is Common Between Them?, more than 61,000 views
- Video 3, Entertaining DNA Genealogy, more than 31,000 views
- Video 4, Rurik and Rurikids, more than 134,000 views
- Video 5, DNA Genealogy, more than 11,000 views
- Video 6, More on DNA Genealogy, more than 17,000 views
- Video 7, Are Russians and Ukrainians Brothers? more than 44,000 views
- Video 8, M.N. Zadornov on A.A. Klyosov, more than 170,000 views
- Video 9, There Was No An Aryan Race, more than 75,000 views
- Video 11, R1a - Arya, Russians, Slavs, more than 112,000 views
- Video 12, R1b, more than 45,000 views
- Video 13, Round Table on the Book of Veles
- Video 14, Russians, more than 350,000 views
- Video 15, Jews, more than 160,000 views
- Video 16, on the Slavs, more than 15,000 views
- Video 17, On an Unknown Genocide of the Slavs, more than 120,000 views
- Video 18, Three Main Tribes in Russia, more than 800,000 views
- Video 19/Radio, The Book of Veles
- Video 20, on DNA Genealogy, in the House of Books, Moscow, Russia, more than 19,000 viewes
- Video 21, The Book of Veles, G.Z. Maksimenko and A.A. Klyosov, more than 240,000 views of the original video
- Video 22, The Book of Veles, more than 50,000 views
- Video 23, History of Serbia (in Serbian)
- Video 24, on DNA Genealogy, more than 54,000 views
- Video 25, Latest Achievements of DNA Genealogy, more than 17,000 views
- Video 26, "Russian Genome": a Critique, more than 11,000 views
- Video 27, Russians and Western Europeans, more than 1.1 million views
- Video 28, on DNA Genealogy
- Video 29, Alans, more than 720,000 views
- Radio, The Out of Africa Myth, in English, more than 100,000 views (poor audio, from a remote location)
- Video 30, History of the Slavs, more than 110,000 views
- Video 31, Alans, Scythians, Russians, Sumers, more than 125,000 views
- Video 32, Haplogroups R1a and R1b, East and West, more than 372,000 views
- Video 33, Ancient Architecture of Russia and India, and DNA Genealogy
- Video 34, How the US Mass Media Show Russia, more than 1 million views
- Video 35, History of the Jews: What the DNA Analysis Shows?, more than 6.8 million views; Later Remake, more than 297,000 views
- Video 36, The Russians Through Millennia, more than 165,000 views
- Video 37, DNA Genealogy is Revealing the Khazar Mystery, more than 880,000 views
- Video 38, DNA Genealogy, the Most Important Findings, more than 430,000 views
- Video 39, DNA Genealogy and its Role in Understanding of Ancient and Present-Day World, more than 55,000 views
- Video 40, On the First International Computer Conferences in the USSR Since 1982
- Video 41, Puzzles in History of Ancient Slavs, more than 2.6 million views
- Video 42, On DNA Genealogy and Life, Part 1
- Video 43, On DNA Genealogy and Life, Part 2
- Video 44, On DNA Genealogy and Life, Part 3
- Video 45, On DNA Genealogy and Life, Part 4
- Video 46, On DNA Genealogy of Tatars
- Video 47, Inconvenient Truth of DNA Genealogy, more than 36,000 views
- Video 48, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 1), more than 10,000 views
- Video 49, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 2)
- Video 50, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 3)
- Video 51, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 4)
- Video 52, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 5)
- Video 53, History of the Slavs (In Serbian, Part 6)
- Video 54, History of the Slavs (In Serbian), more than 10,000 viwes
- Video 55, Russian "Liberalism" (Part 1)
- Video 56, Russian "Liberalism" (Part 2)
- Video 57, Russian "Liberalism" (Part 3)
- Video 58, Accusations in "Pseudoscience" as a Political Tool" (Part 1)
- Video 59, Accusations in "Pseudoscience" as a Political Tool" (Part 2)
- Video 60, Accusations in "Pseudoscience" as a Political Tool" (Part 3)
- Video 61, Ancient Blonde People of Maldives, more than 17,000 views
- Video 62, Slavs and Turks Through Millennia, more than 478,000 views
- Video 63, DNA Genealogy of Ancient People, Part 1, more than 13,000 views
- Video 64, DNA Genealogy of Ancient People, Part 2
- Video 65, Where Slavs and Russians Came From? Part 1, more than 86,000 views
- Video 66, Where Slavs and Russians Came From? Part 2, more than 25,000 views
- Video 67, DNA Analysis: Where is a Homeland of the Humankind? more than 450,000 views
- Video 68, Ukrainians and Russians, Who are They? more than 860,000 views
- Video 69, Genetic Basis of Some Conflicts Between Civilizations, more than 370,000 views
- Video 70, DNA Genealogy Reveals Ancient History, June 2018, more than 650,000 views
- Video 71, DNA Genealogy Against the "Norman Theory", Part 1
- Video 72, DNA Genealogy Against the "Norman Theory", Part 2
- Video 73, "Practical DNA Genealogy", Book Presentation in Moscow House of the Book, June 2018, Part 1
- Video 74, "Practical DNA Genealogy", Book Presentation in Moscow House of the Book, June 2018, Part 2
- Video 75, "Practical DNA Genealogy", Book Presentation in Moscow House of the Book, June 2018, Part 3
- Video 76, The "Norman Theory" and DNA Genealogy, June 2018, more than 545,000 views
- Video 77, Comparison of Ancient Peoples by Their DNA, Part 1, more than 49,000 views
- Video 78, Comparison of Ancient Peoples by Their DNA, Part 2, more than 32,000 views
- Video 79, Why Many Historians Do Not Like DNA Genealogy
- Video 80, "Deep Drilling of History", PolitCafe, Moscow, June 2018, more than 1.4 million views
- Video 81, "We Are Losing a 5000-Year War", PolitCafe, Moscow, June 2018, more than 1.4 million views
- Video 82, DNA Genealogy of the Arabs, Part 1 (in Arabic), August 2018, more than 809,000 views
- Video 83, DNA Genealogy of the Arabs, Part 2 (in Arabic), September 2018, more than 707,000 views
- Video 84, DNA Genealogy in ancient and today's world, May 2018, more than 67,000 views
- Video 85, A collection of video on DNA Genealogy, Den TV, more than 7.4 million views total
- Video 86, An Introduction to DNA Genealogy, Basic Principles, and False Accusations in "Incorrectness", more than 10,000 views
- Video 87, The Origin of Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians
- Video 88, "Scratch a Russian to Find a Tatar" does not hold when checked by DNA Genealogy
- Video 89, Slavs in the World History, May 2019, more than 237,000 views
- Video 90, This Fearful Word Arya, more than 170,000 views
- Video 91, This Fearful Word Arya; cont., responses to comments and explanations, Part 1,more than 46,000 views
- Video 92, This Fearful Word Arya; cont., responses to comments and explanations, Part 2, more than 26,000 views
- Video 93, DNA Genealogy and Ancient History of People, on Den' TV, more than 2.8 million views
- Video 94, Origin and History of the Slavs, Book Presentation in a Book Store "Molodaya Gvardia", Moscow, Russia
- Video 95, DNA Genealogy of the Slavs, in the Academy of Geopolitics, Full Version, more than 15,000 views
- Video 96, We as Descendants of a Common Ancestor of Humans and Chimpanzees About 5 million Years Ago, more than 4,000 views
- Video 97, Failure of the "Norman Theory": DNA of Scandinavians and Finns Are Not Detected among Russians (and Ukraininans, Belarus, Lithuanians), more than 67,000 views
- Video 98, DNA Genealogy and Science in General, PolitCafe 2, Moscow, May 2019, more than 220,000 views
- Video 99, Street Interview in Moscow - 1, May 2019
- Video 100, Street Interview in Moscow - 2, May 2019
- Video 101, Who is Afraid of Dr. Watson (Nobel Laureate), May 2019, more than 150,000 views, Later Remake
- Video 102, DNA Genealogy of the Arabs, Part 3 (in Arabic), June 2019, more than 668,000 views
- Video 103, DNA Genealogy of the Arabs, Part 4 (in Arabic), Julу 2019, more than 251,000 views
- Video 104, DNA Genealogy of the Arabs, Part 5 (in Arabic), Julу 2019, more than 451,000 views
- Video 105, Russians are Not Finno-Ugric People, May 2019, more than 67,000 views
- Video 106, Russia, Sanctions, and DNA Genealogy, May 2019, more than 25,000 views
- Video 107, Russians, Jews, R1a and R1b haplogroups (ZaUglom-1), July 2019, more than 645,000 views
- Video 108, Russians, Jews, and Patriotism (ZaUglom-2), July 2019, more than 290,000 views
- Video 109, Scam from Geneticists: Why "Ethnic DNA Tests" Fundamentally Deceive People, June 2019, more than 445,000 views
- Video 110, Does DNA Genealogy Influence Politics?, August 2019, more than 58,000 views
- Video 111, Discussion in the Mikhail N. Zadornov Library, 1:15:20 - 1:47:00, September 2019
- Video 112, Who are Russians?, November 2019, more than 25,000 views
- Video 113, On Coronavirus, Putin, etc., April, 2020, more than 330,000 views
- Video 114, Those Who Do Not Work, Eat, April 2020
- Video 115, When Abraham Has Not Been Born Yet, April 2020
- Video 116, Reportage from Within a Coronavirus, April 2020, more than 800,000 views
- Video 117, Russians, Jews, Coronavirus, and Alcohol, May 2020
- Video 118, America on the Restraining Order, May 2020, more than 275,000 views
- Video 119, DNA Genealogy and Ancient History, May 2020, more than 140,000 views
- Video 120, Unrest in the USA, June 2020
- Video 121, A New Look at the European History: Archaeology and DNA Genealogy, June 2020, more than 270,000 views
- Video 122, DNA of Famous People, July 2020, more than 1.4 million views; Later Remake
- Video 123, Tartaria, Hyperborea, and CIA, July 2020, nore than 30,000 views
- Video 124, Origin of the Russians and Fatyanovo Archaeological Culture, August 2020, more than 83,000 views
- Video 125, When we Have Defeated the West for the First Time, September 2020, more than 200,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 126, Battle at Tollense, September 2020
- Video 127, Battle of Two Professors, October 2020, more than 150,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 128, "DNA Genealogy Against the "Norman Theory", and Scientific Patriotism", October 2020
- Video 129, Etruscans, Scythians, Sumers. DNA Genealogy and Linguistics, October 2020, 108,000 views
- Video 130, Life in Today's USA, December 2020, more than 120,000 views
- Video 131, Situation in the USA, December 2020
- Video 132, "Expertise of the Book of Veles", September 2015, more than 180,000 views
- Video 133, "10 Favorite Books", January 2021
- Video 134, "DNA Genealogy. No. 1. Anatomy of Conflicts", January 2021
- Video 135, "No. 2. Bureaucracy or Vested Interests?", January 2021
- Video 136, "No. 3. "Historian" Spitsyn is not a Historian at all", January 2021
- Video 137, "No. 4. "Historian" K. Zhukov - Total Failure", January 2021
- Video 138, "No. 5. "Do All Scientists Believe in God?", January 2021
- Video 139, "No. 6. "What is Science? What is Scientific Discussion?", January 2021
- Video 140, "No. 7. "USA, Russia, and DNA Genealogy?", January 2021
- Video 141, "No. 8. "On Non-Science", February 2021
- Video 142, "Navalny's Bluff and Future of Russia", January 2021
- Video 143, "DNA Genealogy: Questions and Answers", February 2021
- Video 144, "Who are Slavs?", March 2021, more than 230,000 views
- Video 145, "DNA Genealogy", March 2021
- Video 146, "DNA Genealogy: The School of a Healthy Sense", March 2021
- Video 147, "Mystery of a Russian Gene", March 2021,more than 34,000 views
- Video 148, "DNA Genealogy: Questions and Answers", April 2021
- Video 149, "DNA Genealogy and History: Rus and the Horde", April 2021, more than 320,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 150, "ПРОФ. ДР АНАТОЛИЈ КЉОСОВ: Срби су Аријевци, потичу од Ноевог сина" (in Serbian), August 2017, more than 150,000 views
- Video 151, "The Norman Theory: Facts vs. Myths", April 2021, more than 90,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 152, "The First Vaccination and How Vaccines Work", April 2021, more than 24,000 views
- Video 153, "The Old Church Calendar and the Tissul Princess", April 2021
- Video 154, "Haplogroups of Ural Inhabitants, DNA of I.V. Stalin", April 2021
- Video 155, "On Levashov, on My Ancestors, and on Who Fought With Whom Revealing Based on their DNA", April 2021, 15,000 views
- Video 156, "Zakhar Prilepin' DNA test", April 2021, more than 20,000 views
- Video 157, "Anatole Klyosov in Moscow State University. DNA Genealogy", April 2021, more than 120,000 views
- Video 158, "Thoughts of Russia. A Look from Far Away", May 2021
- Video 159, "On Time, the USSR and the USA: Personal Reflections", May 2021
- Video 160, "Numerology: DNA Genealogy", May 2021, more than 12,000 views
- Video 161, "Anatole Klyosov in the Philosophy Club of Igor Kurinnoy", June 2021, more than 24,000 views
- Video 162, "Aryans, Russians and Peoples of Russia", July 2021
- Video 163, "Origin of Levites", July 2021, more than 42,000 views
- Video 164, "Scynthians, Sarmates and Slavs", July 2021, more than 88,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 165, "History of Ingush and Chechens: DNA Genealogy", July 2021, more than 41,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 166, "Falsification or Not? New Studies of the Book of Veles", July 2021, more than 70,000 views
- Video 167, "Mass Media Has Lost Battle for Minds of People: Covia-19 and Vaccination", July 2021, more than 100,000 views
- Video 168, "Who are Kossaks, Their Origins and History", September 2021, more than 84,000 views
- Video 169, "Who are Tatars, Their Origins and History", September 2021, more than 76,000 views
- Video 170, "What is DNA Genealogy and Why It Has Nothing to Do with Genetics", September 2021
- Video 171, "Life of Americans - a Look from Within", September 2021, more than 43,000 views
- Video 172, "Where the First Man Has Appeared", October 2021
- Video 173, "An Etruscan Mystery is Solved?", October 2021, more than 58,000 views
- Video 174, "On Covid-19, Green Energy, Migrants, and Former President Trump", November 2021, more than 47,000 views
- Video 175, "The Russians and Their History", November 2021
- Video 176, "DNA Genealogy and Origin of Various Peoples", December 2021
- Video 177, "A Puzzle of an Origin of Etruscas", January 2022, more than 57,000 views; Later Remake
- Video 178, "The Russian Navy in the USA, April 1975", January 2022
- Video 179, "Romanians and Moldovans, Who are They?", January 2022
- Video 180, "Can Humans Degrade to a Monkey?", February 2022
- Video 181, "Russians and Ukrainians. DNA Analysis", February 2022
- Video 182, "Russia - Ukraine War. DNA-Related Comments", February 2022
- Video 183, "Mikhail Delyagin on DNA Genealogy", March 2022
- Video 184, "On Information War in the USA", March 2022
- Video 185, "Out-of-Africa and Other Questions from the Audience", March 2022
- Video 186, "Scythians, Sarmates, Alans. Are Scythians Ancestors of the Slavs?", June 2022; Later Remake
- Video 187, "A New Edition of Egor Klassen's Book (from 1854), Lie of the Norman "Theory", and Chasing Down Russophobia", June 2022
- Video 188, "The Oldest Human DNA on the Planet", June 2022; Later Remake
- Video 189, "In Search of a Homeland of the Mankind - Questions and Answers", June 2022
- Video 190, "DNA Genealogy of the Slavic World", Tsargrad, since 9:25 min, August 2022
- Video 191, "DNA Genealogy and Conventional History", Den' TV, August 2022, more than 144,000 views
- Video 192, "Life in the USA, a Look from Within", Den' TV, August 2022, short version
- Video 193, "Life in the USA, a Look from Within", Den' TV, August 2022, full version
- Video 194, "Hyperborea and DNA Genealogy", August 2022, more than 80,000 views
- Video 195, "Hyperborea and DNA Genealogy", August 2022
- Video 196, "Norman Theory", 17:30-23:30, 36:50-44:15, August 2022
- Video 197, "Anatole A. Klyosov and a Historian, Professor German A. Artamonov. DNA Genealogy", August 2022
- Video 198, "Anatole Klyosov in Moscow State University. DNA Genealogy", July 2022
- Video 199, "Who are Arbins?", January 2023, more than 638,000 views
- Video 200, "5000 Years of Confrontation of R1b and R1a Bearers", February 2023
- Video 201, "Collision of Civilizations", February 2023
- Video 202, "The USA and the World, Past and Present", April 2023, more than 123,000 views
- Video 203, "Millions of Russians, Indians and Chinese as Descendants of the Aryas", June 2023, more than 108,000 views
- Video 204, "Norman Theory as a Myth", July 2023, more than 48,000 views
- Video 205, "History of Khazars", July 2023, more than 109,000 views
- Video 206, "History of Chemical Enzymology and 100-year anniversary of Ilya V. Berezin", July 2023
- Video 207, "Nations from the Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy", August 2023
- Video 207a, "Nations from the Viewpoint of DNA Genealogy", August 2023, more than 39,000 views
- Video 208, "Norman Theory", September 2023
- Video 209, "On Charles Darwin Theory", September 2023
- Video 209a, "On Charles Darwin Theory", September 2023
- Video 210, "On Biological Weapons", September 2023
- Video 211, "DNA Genealogy and Nations", September 2023
- Video 212, "Origin of the Jews", October 2023; Later Remake, more than 297,000 views
- Video 213, "The First User of the Internet in the USSR", October 2023
- Video 214, "New Achievents of DNA Genealogy", January 2024
- Video 215, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 1. Florida, Ocean, Sharks, and Geopolitics on the Beach", January 2024
- Video 216, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 2. House, Ancestry, Awards", January 2024
- Video 217 "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 3. Internet the Book, Life in the USSR", January 2024
- Video 218, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 4. Political Troubles in the USSR", January 2024
- Video 219, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 5. Clans in Science", January 2024
- Video 220, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 6. Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Polish, Kuraishites, Sheikhs, Imams, Abraham, and Ainu", January 2024
- Video 220, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 7. On the Book of Veles", January 2024
- Video 221, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 8. On Count Rurik and His Descendants", January 2024
- Video 222, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 9. Oncology and Liver Diseases", January 2024
- Video 223, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 10. Russian Nobelity. On Charles Darwin and the Monkeys", January 2024
- Video 224, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 1. Comments on Comments", February 2024
- Video 225, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 2. Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Slavs", February 2024
- Video 226, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 3. East and West of Ukraine, Arabs and R1a haplogroup", February 2024
- Video 227, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 4. Jews, Abraham, Laks, Sumerians", February 2024
- Video 228, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Video # 5. Rusophobs, Azeris, Armenians, Georgians, Basques", February 2024
- Video 229, "Anatole A. Klyosov. The Book of Veles Project", March 2024
- Video 230, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Russians and Ukrainians", April 2024
- Video 231, "Anatole A. Klyosov. The Book of Veles. Introduction", April 2024
- Video 232, "Anatole A. Klyosov. On "Pseudoscience", April 2024
- Video 233, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Archaeological Cultures on the Russian Plain", April 2024
- Video 234, "Anatole A. Klyosov and German Artamonov. History and DNA Genealogy", May 2024
- Video 235, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Arya", May 2024
- Video 236, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Arya. Full version", May 2024
- Video 237, "Anatole A. Klyosov and German Artamonov. Arkaim and DNA Genealogy", May 2024
- Video 238, "Anatole A. Klyosov. On Firearms in the US", May 2024
- Video 239, "Anatole A. Klyosov and Andrey I. Fursov. DNA Genealogy in History Sciences", May 2024
- Video 240, "Anatole A. Klyosov and Vladimir M. Lipunov. DNA Genealogy at a Presentation for Astrophysics in Moscow University", May 2024
- Video 241, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Achievements of DNA Genealogy", June 2024
- Video 242, "Anatole A. Klyosov and German A. Artamonov. DNA Genealogy and "Alternative Hustory", July 2024
- Video 243, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Life in the USA", July 2024
- Video 244, "Anatole A. Klyosov and German A. Artamonov. Re. Questions and Comments Regarding DNA Genealogy", August 2024
- Video 245, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Are Russians and Germans Relatives?", August 2024
- Video 246, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Was There a Tatar-Mongol Yoke?", September 2024
- Video 247, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Khazars vs. Scythians", September 2024
- Video 248, "Anatole A. Klyosov. DNA Genealogy of Serbs", October 2024
- Video 249, "Anatole A. Klyosov. On the USA", October 2024
- Video 250, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Molecular History of the Mankind", October 2024
- Video 251, "Anatole A. Klyosov and Historian German A. Artamonov. Migrations in View of DNA Genealogy", October 2024
- Video 252, "Anatole A. Klyosov and Historian German A. Artamonov. Anthropogenesis in View of DNA Genealogy", November 2024
- Video 253, "Anatole A. Klyosov. New Achievements of DNA Genealogy", December 2024
- Video 254, "Anatole A. Klyosov. On Wandering in Time and on Land. From Khazars to the Present-Day USA", December 2024
- Video 255, "Anatole A. Klyosov. Drones in the USA", December 2024
- Video 256, "Anatole A. Klyosov. DNA Genealogy and Life", January 2025
- Video 257, "Anatole A. Klyosov. DNA Analysis and Ancient History", January 2025
- Video 258, "Anatole A. Klyosov. President Trump and the USA Today", February 2025
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